
It's been a long time since Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and other social networks have become part of our everyday life. Thousands of people from all over the world are every day enrolled in social networks and they are searching for businesses, services, products and offers.
We help you develop your page's prestige(Fan Page) in the post popular of social networking sites.
It's time you developed your web page in the social networks in an easy, quick and inexpensive way.

facebookYou can make your page differentiate from your competitors pages and at the same time offer to the visitors a unique surfing experience which will encourage them to make a Like to your page..
We undertake to construct your professional or personal page on the Facebook (Fan Page). We choose the appropriate design for your page and not only we add your data, but we also add or create tabs you wish in order to develop your page and make it differentiate from the others.

Ιndicative Applications:

  • RSS Application
    Tab which is automatically updated with the last news from your site, the e-shop or your blog. It's a very useful solution for pages which are depending on sites or blogs which are already there.
  • Twitter Application
    Tab in which you can see all the twitts you have already updated, in the second traffic page of Twitter's social networking. This application is ideal for users who use both social networks.
  • Youtube Application
    In this tab appear all the videos existed on your channel in YouTube. It is keeping up to date as soon as you upload the video on YouTube without any further action needed. The design and way of function is unique and easy for the visitor to use. It's purpose is for the visitor to see your videos in order.
  • Catalogues / Books .PDF Application (online reading)
    Tab in which your leaflet, your book, your catalog and whichever document you want to share with the visitors is presented in PDF form so as to be easy to read. There's the ability to import contents and links in the pdf document with an electronic signature.
  • Competions / Coupons Application
    Tab in which there is a picture for the visitors who didn't make a like to your page and another picture for those who did. In this way we encourage visitors to either to Like the page or to participate in the competition or even to print the page and have some benefits of it, such as discounts.
  • Offer Application
    In this tab, your latest products are presented in your e-shop. A completed description, picture and price is given in your e-shop page and also a link (hyperlink). It's easy and siimple to change your products.
  • Contact Application
    A tab in which there are all your contact information such as address, telephone number, e-mail, site and there's also a contact form in case you want to send an immediate e-mail.

We want to remind you that the above services (applications) is just some of the services that we can provide to you. We can to develop the right application and to adjust to your facebook fan page (ex. music & video live streaming, mini sites, forms κα). For more information Contact Us.


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